Advanced Guide
This chapter shows the advanced features and advanced usage of spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config and spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery.
Nacos Configuration Center Advanced Guide
profile granularity configration
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config When loading the service configuration:
Not only is the base configuration prefixed with dataId ${}.${file-extension:properties } loaded,
The base configuration with dataId of ${}-${profile}.${file-extension:properties } is also loaded.
In daily development, if you encounter different configurations in multiple environments, you can select different configurations through the ${} configuration item provided by spring.
A new dataId on nacos is: basic configuration of nacos-config-develop.yaml, as shown below:
Data ID: nacos-config-develop.yamlGroup: DEFAULT_GROUPconfiguratioon style: YAMLconfiguration content: current.env: develop-env
The code to start the Spring Boot application test is as follows:
@SpringBootApplicationpublic class ProviderApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) { ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext =, args); while(true) { String userName = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty(""); String userAge = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("user.age"); // Gets the currently deployed environment String currentEnv = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getProperty("current.env"); System.err.println("in "+currentEnv+" enviroment; "+"user name :" + userName + "; age: " + userAge); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } }}
The console output is as follows:
in develop-env enviroment; user name :nacos-config-yaml-update; age: 68The 2018-11-02 15:34:25. 33014-013 the INFO/Thread - 11 ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext: Closing org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext@6f1c29b7: startup date [Fri Nov 02 15:33:57 CST 2018]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@63355449
If you need to switch to production, just change the ${} parameter configuration. As follows:
At the same time, basic configuration of corresponding dataId needs to be added to Nacos in the production environment. For example, nacos in the generation environment adds a configuration with dataId of: nacos-config-product.yaml:
Data ID: nacos-config-develop.yamlGroup: DEFAULT_GROUPconfiguratioon style: YAMLconfiguration content: current.env: develop-env
Start the test program, and the output is as follows:
in product-env enviroment; user name :nacos-config-yaml-update; age: 68The 2018-11-02 15:42:14. 33024-628 the INFO/Thread - 11 ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext: Closing org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext@6aa8e115: startup date [Fri Nov 02 15:42:03 CST 2018]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@19bb07ed
In this case, we wrote to the configuration file, but in real project implementation, the value of this variable will vary depending on the environment. It is common practice at this point to specify its configuration via the parameter to achieve flexible switching between environments.
User-defined namespace configurations
Inside Nacos there is the concept of Namespace:
For tenant granularity configuration isolation. The same Group or Data ID can be configured in different namespaces. A common scenario of Namespace is to separate and isolate configurations of different environments. For example, isolation of resources (such as configurations and services) between the development and test environments and production environments. without explicitly specify ${} configuration, the default is used on Public nacos this namespace. If you want to use a custom defined namespace, you can use the following configuration:
This configuration must be placed in the file. Besides The value of the namespace is namespace corresponding id, id value can be > nacos console access. Do not select any other namespae when adding the configuration. Otherwise, the correct configuration will not be read.
User-defined Group configuration
Without explicitly specify ${} configuration, use DEFAULT_GROUP by default. To customize your own Group, perform the following configurations:
This configuration must be placed in the file. And the value of the Group when add configuration must and The Group’s configuration values.
The priority of the configuration
Nacos Config currently offers three configuration capabilities to pull relevant configurations from Nacos.
A: through support multiple Shared Data Id configuration;
B: through[n].data-id The data -id way to support multiple extended data id configuration;
C: Automatically generates related Data ids based on internal rules (application name, application name + Profile).
When the three methods are used together, one of their priority relationships is: A < B < C
springc.config.import import
It is assumed here that there is a configuration file bootstrap.yml, how should it be configured after upgrading to a version above 2021.0.1.0?
spring: cloud: nacos: config: name: test.yml group: DEFAULT_GROUP server-addr: extension-configs: - dataId: test01.yml group: group_01 - dataId: test02.yml group: group_02 refresh: false
Note: The configuration above is equivalent to the configuration below!
spring: cloud: nacos: config: group: DEFAULT_GROUP server-addr: config: import: - optional:nacos:test.yml # monitor DEFAULT_GROUP:test.yml - optional:nacos:test01.yml?group=group_01 # Override the default group, monitor group_01:test01.yml - optional:nacos:test02.yml?group=group_02&refreshEnabled=false # Do not enable dynamic refresh - nacos:test03.yml # It will fail quickly when pulling nacos configuration exceptions, which will cause the spring container to fail to start
The precautions when using spring.config.import to introduce configuration are as follows:
- If you use spring.config.import, you cannot use bootstrap.yml/properties to import configuration;
- If spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config is introduced, and the configuration is imported using the import method, it will automatically detect whether the nacos entry is introduced when the project starts. If there is no import nacos entry, the following error will appear:
The spring.config.import property is missing a nacos: entry
Add a spring.config.import=nacos: property to your configuration.If configuration is not required add spring.config.import=optional:nacos: instead.To disable this check, set
It can be turned off by manually setting, but this is not recommended. This feature can help you check whether redundant dependencies are introduced
If you want to keep the previous usage method (bootstrap introduces configuration), you only need to add the dependency spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap dependency, and you can complete the configuration switch without modifying a single line of code!
Configuration items
More configuration items for Nacos Config Starter are as follows:
Configuration item | key | Default value | Description |
Server address | | ip address and port number of the server | |
DataId prefix | | ${} | The prefix of the DataId. The default value is the application name |
Group | | DEFAULT_GROUP | |
DataId suffix and content file format | | properties | The DataId suffix, which is also the configuration content file format, currently supports only properties |
Configure the encoding mode of the content | | UTF-8 | Configured coding |
Gets the configured timeout period | | 3000 | Unit: ms |
The configured namespace | | One common scenario is the separation and isolation of different environments, such as resource isolation between the development and test environments and production environments. | |
AccessKey | | ||
SecretKey | | ||
Relative path | | The relative path of the server API | |
Access point | | Domain name of a service in a region. Through this domain name, the server address can be dynamically obtained | |
Whether to enable listening and automatic refresh | | true | |
Cluster service name | |
Endpoint information
Request address, you can see related EndPoint node information:
$ curl
{ "NacosConfigProperties": { "serverAddr": "", "username": "", "password": "", "encode": null, "group": "DEFAULT_GROUP", "prefix": "PREFIX", "fileExtension": "properties", "timeout": 3000, "maxRetry": null, "configLongPollTimeout": null, "configRetryTime": null, "enableRemoteSyncConfig": false, "endpoint": null, "namespace": "NAMESPACE", "accessKey": null, "secretKey": null, "ramRoleName": null, "contextPath": null, "clusterName": null, "name": null, "sharedConfigs": null, "extensionConfigs": null, "refreshEnabled": true, "configServiceProperties": { "encode": "", "secretKey": "", "serveraddr": "", "prefix": "PREFIX", "configLongPollTimeout": "", "maxRetry": "", "password": "", "configRetryTime": "", "endpoint": "", "serverAddr": "", "accessKey": "", "enableRemoteSyncConfig": "false", "clusterName": "", "namespace": "NAMESPACE", "ramRoleName": "", "username": "", "group": "DEFAULT_GROUP" }, "refreshableDataids": null, "extConfig": null, "sharedDataids": null }, "RefreshHistory": [], "Sources": [ { "lastSynced": "2023-05-10 09:35:50", "dataId": "" } ]}
Nacos Service Registration and Discovery Advanced Guide
Spring Cloud Nacos Discovery complies with Spring Cloud Common standards and implements three interfaces: AutoServiceRegistration, ServiceRegistry and Registration.
In Spring Cloud application startup phase, monitor the WebServerInitializedEvent event, when the Web container initialization complete, namely receive WebServerInitializedEvent incident, will trigger action, register the service with Nacos Server by calling the register method of ServiceRegistry.
IPv4 to IPv6 address migration scheme
Dual registration of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
After Spring Cloud Loadbalancer is configured as a load balancing policy, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of micro-services are registered with the registry by default after the application starts. IPv4 addresses are stored under the IP field in the Nacos service list. IPv6 address In the metadata field of Nacos, the corresponding Key is IPv6. When a service consumer invokes a service provider, it selects the appropriate IP address type to initiate the service invocation based on its own IP address stack support.
Specific rules:
- If the service consumer supports dual IPv4 and IPv6 address stacks or only supports IPv6 address stacks, the service consumer will use the IPv6 address provided by the service to initiate service invocation. If the IPv6 address invocation fails, the service consumer cannot switch to IPv4 address stacks and initiate retry invocation.
- If the service consumer supports only IPv4 single-address stack, the service consumer invokes the service using the IPv4 address provided by the service.
Only IPv4 is registered
If you only want to register using IPv4 addresses, you can use the following configuration in
Only IPv6 is registered
If you only want to use IPv6 addresses, you can use the following configuration in
Configuration items
For more information about the starter configuration items of spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery, see the following:
Configuration item | key | Default value | Description |
Server address | | ||
Service name | | ${} | The name of the service registered with Nacos, which defaults to the application name |
Weight | | 1 | The value ranges from 1 to 100. A larger value indicates a larger weight |
Nic name | | If no IP address is configured, the registered IP address is the IP address of the NIC. If this parameter is not configured, the IP address of the first NIC is used by default | |
Registered IP address | | Highest priority | |
Type of the registered IP address | | Double-stack address | You can configure the IPv4 and IPv6 two types, if the network card IP address multiple same type, hope to develop a specific network segment address, can use spring. Cloud. Inetutils. Preferred - networks address configuration screen |
Registered port | | -1 | By default, you do not need to configure this parameter |
namespace | | One of the most common scenarios is the separation and isolation of the registration of different environments, such as the isolation of resources (such as configurations and services) between the development test environment and the production environment. | |
AccessKey | | ||
SecretKey | | ||
Metadata | | The configuration is in Map format | |
Log file name | | ||
cluster | | DEFAULT | Nacos Cluster name |
Access point | | Domain name of a service in a region. Through this domain name, the server address can be dynamically obtained | |
Whether to integrate LoadBalancer | | false | |
Whether to enable Nacos Watch | | false | You can set it to true to enable watch |
Whether to enable Nacos | | true | Start by default. If set to false, automatic registration with Nacos is disabled |
Endpoint Information
Request Address,You can view information about the EndPoint node
$ curl
{ "subscribe": [], "NacosDiscoveryProperties": { "serverAddr": "", "username": "nacos", "password": "nacos", "endpoint": "", "namespace": "", "watchDelay": 30000, "logName": "", "service": "service-consumer", "weight": 1, "clusterName": "DEFAULT", "group": "DEFAULT_GROUP", "namingLoadCacheAtStart": "false", "metadata": { "IPv6": null, "preserved.register.source": "SPRING_CLOUD" }, "registerEnabled": true, "ip": "", "networkInterface": "", "ipType": null, "port": 18083, "secure": false, "accessKey": "", "secretKey": "", "heartBeatInterval": null, "heartBeatTimeout": null, "ipDeleteTimeout": null, "instanceEnabled": true, "ephemeral": true, "failureToleranceEnabled": false, "failFast": true, "nacosProperties": { "password": "nacos", "endpoint": "", "secretKey": "", "serverAddr": "", "accessKey": "", "clusterName": "DEFAULT", "namespace": "", "": "", "namingLoadCacheAtStart": "false", "failFast": "true", "username": "nacos" } }}